I am bad. I am good. I bring fear. I bring joy. Impossible to be both you say? Turn that mirror on yourself. Now fully take a look. You should see yourself in moments when your actions have been good, and when your actions have been bad. With that truth in mind, please rethink your feelings towards me, because my presence on this earth is as important as yours.

I am fire. There are times when I leave behind a black path of destruction, and there are equal moments when people celebrate coming together around me. My truth is I am hot, and I am powerful. When in balance, I am a valuable resource to be honored. Get that mirror back out and take a look. YOU too are valuable and worthy of honor.

I am impacted by decisions by those around me affecting my path, be they to fuel me or extinguish me. You guessed it, I am going to ask you to get that mirror out again. See that wake of destruction behind you? Was it anger that fueled you? Was it fear? Keep looking as you can also see that warm glow of yours drawing people towards you for comfort. Was that love opening your heart to others?

Like my flames, here goes the leap – you too are capable of invoking fear and joy. What centers you and brings balance so that your offerings are seen as a gift? Do you see the tiny green shoots of a flower that could not have grown had I not created space and left behind enriched soil? Now look around and ask if it is fair for you to decree anything or anyone as only bad or only good? We are all both.

Having healthy respect for me allows me to be seen for the richness of all that I am. The same can be said for you AND for your neighbor. True peace on earth requires our constant striving to live in balance and see that which is admirable in all around us. The lens through which we see is our choice. If you ask quantum physicists, they will tell you that reality is influenced by the observer. In my experience, what I view draws my attention to more of the same. In my wake you may see decimation, yet when you adjust your eyes, you can witness community and compassion as well as fuel for new growth. Join me in seeing renewal and harmony, and calling forth more of that.