
Amazing Grace

Just as flowers need water, light and fertile soil to flourish, we too need the right mix of support to grow.  On this Camera Journey, many rays of sunshine combined with gentle rain and miracle grow keep me going.  What…


Have you noticed how many weeds put forth flowers, how dying flowers are rich in color, or how bugs on flowers are fascinating to watch? Since the second of August I have taken a photograph of a flower every single…

Puppy Love

What’s not to love about puppies and their unconditional love?!  As a photographer, what’s not to love about taking pictures of puppies as well as the beautiful dogs they become?  Covey Rise Magazine recently gave me such an opportunity, and…

Friends Like Flowers

Were I a flower, I know I could remain strong through pelting rain and strong winds because of the knowledge that eventually bad weather passes.  Even still, a ray of sunshine in the midst of a storm can be a…


Reflecting on Father’s Day and cherishing the fact that I was able to celebrate the occasion with my own father reminded me of what a tremendous gift it is to be a parent.  Many a day I have felt like…

Before My Eyes

Like a gentle spring breeze blowing in our face, we receive a whisper in our ear to do something. Do we listen and give it a go, or do we let the opportunity pass us by?  Our first challenge is…


So often when we think of fire it evokes fear, yet when we think of water we think of streams and lakes and things of beauty.  If we think again, we can be reminded that fire brings us warmth and…

Whispering Trees

Sometimes no matter how great an idea may be, circumstances beyond your control make it impossible to convert your idea into action. That happened to me on the night of the lunar eclipse. I was atop a hill with my camera…

Winning the Lottery!

When holding what I wanted to be THE winning lottery ticket it, I thought about what I would do with the money.  At the time I was at the Chamber Music America conference serving on a panel with Oni Buchanan,…

Honoring Papa

My grandfather, a most impressive amateur photographer with an early color darkroom in his home, loved to photograph the camellias that he and my grandmother propagated, nurtured, and entered into camellia shows.  Unfortunately, I never had the opportunity to get…

Earth, Pine and Fire

I am an artist and photography is the medium through which I tell stories, evoke emotion, and help people see things differently.  Nature is a favorite subject of mine, making the care and preservation of our earth an important message…

Art Around Us

Monarch Butterfly Flowers for Mom Chautauqua

While working as the Executive Director of the Montgomery Area Business Committee for the Arts, I always enjoyed getting to know the artist of the year selected to create pieces for the annual Business in the Arts Awards.  Never did…