A mother, a bridge, a lion, a garden, and another mother – unrelated things, right? Since I posed the question, you must now be curious and thinking they must somehow be related. This circle of life begins with my mother, the one whose Alzheimer’s journey led me to photographing a flower a day for almost 1,300 days now.

It was those very flowers that took me to France as an artist in residence for a photography festival. The founder of that festival asked me to assist in creating Photographic Nights of Selma in Alabama. Beginning in April, this festival is uniting dreamers of today who are building bonds through art, to walk hand in hand for common good. Have you ever pondered the power of putting your dreams into action?

I crossed bridges and oceans to see the eyes of a lion in Africa that continue to speak to me today. While far away from my homeland, the animals and people there are a part of the same planet I inhabit. On that continent I marveled at the beauty of the earth, and also witnessed how the most dangerous animal of all, humans, are hurting our planet. We can do more than dream about a healthier planet, by beginning with one step today. Let’s not wait for tomorrow.

At Jasmine Hill, a garden in Wetumpka, Alabama this circle of life powerfully connects. In this beautiful community space long loved by my mother, I am joining hands with other change agents to allow art and nature to intersect for conversations about our planet during the Naturally Artful Festival on March 6th and 7th. When we come together in community with art as the catalyst, we can better understand each other, and thereby better care for each other and the world we share. Mark your calendar to join us.

This circle ends much like the way it began – with a mother. I am that mother seeing that every point is interconnected and touches the lives of my own children. The choices we make every day impact the world in ways beyond our comprehension. When we pause and deeply consider our actions, we begin to grasp how much they impact those around us. We then see how our circle ripples out to affect a larger world that requires our attention, and our compassion.

Just as my choices matter, your choices matter. Our world needs us to focus on a future where we celebrate beauty, and that which is good and just. We must care for every single living thing as if our life depended on it, because it does. Today you can do something as you find your wonderfully unique way to make a difference.

As I find my own way, it is an honor and a pleasure to have people join me on this Camera Journey.

I continue to enjoy opportunities to speak and share, and send greetings to new friends I met on this journey in Georgia and North Carolina. I look forward to presenting for the Tuesdays with the Kelly brown bag lunch event this week in Wetumpka, Alabama. Come if you can!
You are bringing beauty of others through your camera. Thank you.
Your continued support is truly a gift. Thank YOU!
Beautiful images, Elmore!!
Thank you Bo! Best wishes to you and yours!