Were I a flower, I know I could remain strong through pelting rain and strong winds because of the knowledge that eventually bad weather passes. Even still, a ray of sunshine in the midst of a storm can be a beautiful gift. Friends recently provided rays of sunshine for me during a major thunderstorm, and how thankful I was. While we may not think we need the sun to weather the storm, it sure does help us hold steady until blue skies appear again.
In the midst of recent cloudy skies I was reminded of a wonderful quote that has long been a favorite of my mother’s “Friends like flowers give pleasure just by being.” With that in mind, I was inspired to begin photographing flowers and pausing to reflect on how unique each bloom is. They come in different sizes, shapes, and colors, and during various seasons of the year. Their simple being is indeed a gift and a pleasure.
Whether today be stormy or bright, make note of the friends and flowers that surround you while also remembering to be that ray of sunshine when one of your friends is being pelted with rain and needs a gentle reminder that the water will help them grow.
Thanks to those who have helped me bloom on my Camera Journey, I have been given a moment in the sun with this amazing article about my photography by Shotgun Life. As if that were not enough, the Newberry Medalist, Jerry Spinelli, just sent me an advance copy of the dust jacket of his soon-to-be-released novel, The Warden’s Daughter that features my photograph of him. Sunshine feels so good, and while clouds will form again, for today, I am enjoying the warmth. Thank you friends for being like flowers.