Take My Hand

Sometimes the stars align, inspiration strikes, the right support team appears and something special is created. That is exactly what happened to result in the creation of my first ever fine art photography book. I had the opportunity to travel to Asia, a song from years ago surfaced in my memory, my patient husband gave me his support, my camera worked, an incredibly talented graphic designer felt the project and gave it a magic touch and a wonderful printer worked to put all of the pieces into a beautiful finished product.

So now, I hope you hear a drum roll as I announce that my very first fine art photography book, Take My Hand is being released this Thursday at the opening of the Stonehenge Gallery As We See It photography exhibit. Please pause, click here, and enjoy a preview of the book and listen to the sweet voice of a little girl I know very well.

A signed fine art print adorns the cover of this coffee table book that you can purchase for $60. Contact me to secure your copy of Take My Hand. Or, if you live in Montgomery, please do stop by Stonehenge Gallery on Fairview Avenue between 5:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. this Thursday January 9th to see my new work as well as that by other talented photographers. The show will be hanging until the beginning of February.

Thank you for staying with me on this Camera Journey.

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